Saturday, September 7, 2024

It's over 100 Degrees, And I'm Going Out To The Desert?!

 It was a Saturday evening during a heat wave here in Southern California.  I'd been meaning to take a drive to the Calico Mountains in order to check out the colors at sunset.  A check of the weather in the area indicated that the forecasted "low" would 90 degrees by early evening.

So, after filling my 2 gallon water jug, brewing coffee for my thermos, and checking that all necessary batteries (drone, camera, amateur radio and GMRS handhelds) were charged, I headed out.

Heading north on the 15 Freeway from the Inland Empire on a Saturday at 5 PM, there was light traffic- despite this being Labor Day weekend.  I guess that most people were already hunkered over the Vegas gaming tables.

After exiting the 15 Freeway at Calico Rd. I turned left, and after roughly two miles, I turned right on to the Doran Scenic Drive.  

So, did I mention that it was still 103 degrees at 7:37 PM?  

But, it really didn't FEEL like 103 degrees.  I wasn't uncomfortable at all, as I stood outside my Subaru flying the drone.

There were other people here too, driving their sand vehicles.  I even heard gunshots(for those who don't know, this area is popular with recreational shooters.)

As the sun went down, I was struck by the beauty of these mountains.  The rich brownish and reddish hues on the hills all present a natural watercolor "painting."  No matter how many times I come here, I am awestruck.

     Drone image by the author.  All rights reserved. This image was taken shortly after I arrived. 7:17       PM.

Drone video, filmed by the author.

Another aerial "tour", filmed by the author during the evening visit.

                                  I continued a little further into the hills.

    ...and I shot the image below, of the Calico "ghost town" using the drone, before beginning the trip home: