After all of the rain we've been having here in Southern California, I was expecting a big payoff in terms of wildflowers at the park.
We checked in at the Cottonwood Visitor Center, and I chatted with a Ranger for a few minutes. Despite the Ranger's almost apologetic statement that there was no "super bloom" this year, we were not really disappointed.
True, the flowers were not carpeting the ground to the extent that they have in previous years. Nonetheless, there were enough of them to provide some spectacular viewing, especially when viewed against the backdrop of the Cottonwood Mountains.
The majority of the wildflowers can be found along Cottonwood Springs Road, which is at the southern end of the park, off I-10.
Photo by Scott Schwartz. All rights reserved.
I said that "most" of the flowers were of the Desert Dandelion variety. An exception was this Chia.
As you can see, the flowers gave a pretty good account of themselves, despite this not being a "super bloom." The Cottonwood Mountains can be seen in the distance.